A Little About Me
I am Sheila, the photographer at Forever Captured Photography.
I am a mom to four boys and one girl,
A daughter in law and a three year old granddaughter and a brand new grandson
I am engaged to the love of my life.
I am in awe of the determination and dedication my kids show for their passions and I can only hope that they learned some of that from me.
My style of photography leans to an artistic and dramatic side. It triggers deep emotions within me and I hope you as well as you peek around the site.
The main focus of my photography is Newborn Photography but is expanding into Children's Photography as well
There is something special that happens at newborn sessions. No matter what else is going on in the world or in other areas of my life newborn sessions bring me pure joy. I relax and move into a different zone when I am working with a newborn.
A sense of calm and feelings of joy come over me. These sessions change me whether it is the baby involved or some of the stories we share during your session. Each baby has a special story and a memory that follows me long after the session. I often think of each one . And I often tell stories about little ones to other parents to share a giggle or rest assure the parents that other babies are just like theirs.
It takes time, experience, patience and love for these sessions and a lot of warmth both in my heart and in the room.
As a mom of five children and after photographing more than 500 newborns I am confident that we will capture amazing images of your precious baby.
As my grandchildren grow, a whimsical side is growing inside of me and I am excited to introduce my vision to include some magical, vintage and timeless themed mini sessions for older babies and young children.
Thank you for considering me to capture your child at this very special time in your lives.
Take care